Arrangement of concrete batching plant site

Post time: 2019-02-15 14:20 Post category:

When selecting a site, make sure that the site is close to the stone yard and the sand plant and make sure that the water is adequate and away from the neighborhood. If you can take full advantage of the hillside terrain, the yard is located in the higher slope of the slope, can reduce the feeding machine feeding height, making the loading machine loading climbing point of view small or no climbing, both to save energy, Wear. Be sure to avoid ground and underground cables, power supply, or communication cables when installing the equipment.

The choice of aggregate supply method is best to use the loader feed.

Mixing station, such as for road construction (short duration, moving moving frequently), will use fast-mounted, modular structure of the mixing station.

Aggregate conveyor belt machine selection, such as the wide site, should be preferred to use a small angle (18 °) flat belt conveyor (in order to reduce the cost of equipment acquisition, but also to improve the hopper method). If the site area is limited, be able to think about the large angle (usually 40 ° ~ 50 °) ribbed belt machine (optional belt structure, can reach 90 °). However, in the humid environment of sand and gravel, the large angle of the belt conveyor belt has a sticky sand defects, the belt return, the belt below the sand phenomenon is more serious, the product concrete ratio to think about the utilization factor of sand.

Aggregate batching machine (scale) selection of a good product concrete mixing station aggregate scale cumulative measurement for a scale, measured alone for 2 to 4 scales. To ensure that each aggregate has sufficient storage capacity, each aggregate can be planned to produce two scales of ingredients.

If the construction request is low, the choice of two aggregate aggregate measurement of the machine; if the project has a special request, you must use three or four aggregate scale cumulative measurement of the ingredients, and even each aggregate alone Of the ingredients machine.

The choice of other scales, according to the needs of the equipment to determine the cement scale, fly ash scale, powder admixture scale (by the mother screw machine feed), water scales and liquid admixture scale (1 to 2) and so on.

Check the instrument, such as with the sand water content checker, after computer control, according to the sand moisture content is not the same, can be completed online active adjustment of water. The use of slump checkers can be useful for investigating the homogeneity of concrete products.

Customers can choose according to demand, select the reasonable equipment, and in the contract to make provision.