Things to be aware of after the mobile mixing plant is stopped

Post time: 2020-04-3 10:53 Post category:

Generally speaking, in large industrial cities and material supply bases. Suitable for vertical concrete mixing plant. In small and medium cities far from the material supply base. It is suitable to choose horizontal concrete mixing plant. For some small and medium-sized projects or maintenance projects with inconvenient traffic and narrow roads. Suitable for mobile concrete mixing plant.
 Things to note when the mobile stable soil mixing plant is stopped:

1.Clean the materials in the mixer in time after shutdown. The material in the final bin is released in time. The valve of the cement tank is closed, and the powder in the two spirals of the cement is emptied. In order to avoid prolonged downtime and dampening of the gambling spiral.
2. Tighten the blades of the mixer and add oil to each bearing. Remove the sticky material from the belt rollers and clean up the materials scattered on the floor in time.
3. Pay attention to whether there is standing water around the control cabinet in rainy weather. The water accumulated around the electrical control cabinet and the water around the motors of the equipment should be eliminated in time.
4. On rainy days, cover the motor reducer, air compressor, vibrator, etc. to prevent rain.
5. The whole machine is usually painted once a year. The whole oil is usually changed once a year. The reducer is usually replaced once every six months.
6. Check the belt rollers frequently. If there is any rotation, please refuel in time. Refer to the equipment manual for the lubrication time and the type of oil to be added.

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